Create a Windows 10 USB flash drive on CentOS 8

Again another CentOS 8 related article to create bootable WIndows USB keys.

You can use the WoeUSB tool to create a Windows 7 to Windows 10 installation USB key for BIOS installation. It is pretty quick and straight forward to use. Just make sure you have a Windows ISO file.

Short version:

dnf -y copr enable sbluhm/os-tools
dnf install WoeUSB
Skip to usage below.

Long version:

dnf -y install git make gcc libtool wxGTK3-devel wxGTK3
git clone
cd WoeUSB.git
autoreconf --force --install # Most non-Debian derived distros will need this
sudo make install


  1. Make sure that the source ISO image and the flash drive are not mounted:
    df -h # list all drives
    umount xxxxx # replace xxxxx with the mounted drive path, should it be mounted.
  2. Plug in your USB key.
  3. Start WoeUSB from the application menu.
  4. Select the ISO image.
  5. Select the USB drive
  6. Start the copy process.